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About aesthetics
The aesthetics nowadays is overdefined by virtual reality of computers,
the sizes of nanotechnology and the strategies of biotechnology.
It is the aesthetics of the abstract, the intangible, of the massless and weightless surface,
the infinite horizontality, the flux and the liquidity.
It is the projection of the simulation of diffused energy fields onto the real, onto people,
alleged to be nomads, with no land, no home, no yesterday and no tomorrow.
It is also the aesthetics of the incubator, the snow-white sterile laboratory, the unhistorical,
ie the aesthetics of the radical break with history, the aesthetics of irreversible, total mutation and hybrids.
It is the aesthetics of the Times, that some concoct consciously, they want to and they probably can,
but no one, can really know what exactly the Next day will be.
No intelligent being can underestimate and ignore this aesthetics,
unless he/she wants to permanently forfeit the right to speak.
As hopeless romantics of a specific world, that insists on resisting, claiming the right
to the only possibility there is, ie the utopia and the impossible,
being willy-nilly inside the dominant aesthetic model,
we implant in our construction, discretely and at every opportunity, signs of the specific, of materiality,
mass and weight, references to the live construction cultures
that are present all around us, and stubbornly keep moving us truly.